

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

College Essay: Im mad proud of it...

Success Equals Impact

All I could see in almost every dream in weeks past and at this particular moment was silly string, colorful balloons, streamers, disco lights, party favors, candy bags, masks, face paint, and more because it was almost time. It was twelve noon and I knew there were only eight short hours left until the anticipated moment. People were running around like chickens with their heads cut off ; running to pick up the cake, decorating the dance studio, putting up the lights, printing up the guest list, preparing the food, and paying off the dancers and cleaning crew. I had a racing heart and a million missed calls on my mind and I chose to pick up the worst phone call at the moment when my anxiety level was at an all time high.
The DJ called to cancel. I couldn’t believe it. His excuse was legitimate, so I couldn’t blame him, but what was I going to do? I automatically called every friend in my phone book until I found about four possible DJ’s and called one after another. Finally, I found the perfect DJ and I was excited and nervous because it was just an hour before the party.
 At that moment I realized what I wanted my life to be like: anticipating, frightening, surprising, engaging, and exciting. Life will always be fraught with chaos and uncertainty, but at least if I follow the dream of becoming an event planner it will be the only place I will feel that I have control over where I am headed. I was raised by a strict single mother and because I lived in a dangerous area, as a teen the only friends I grew to know were from my school. My mom didn’t allow me access to a community of gang violence and of children who have no choice but to grow up faster than they should. Although my mom had good intentions not being able to explore my surroundings and neighborhood has disabled me from having more experiences and encouraged me to want to help my community rather than stay away from it which is why I planned to have the party in my community.
The party helped me prove to my mother that people in my neighborhood could have a public gathering while being safe, having a good time, and realizing that there is more to our community than gang violence, hardship, and struggle to succeed at living. Because the party was such a success with bringing everyone together, I know that it is possible for there to be a change in the stereotype of my community being too dangerous to have a safe and fun gathering. I don’t want to lose my personality in the end to achieve success.  I’ve realized in school that my personality and where I have come from  has not only made me the achiever I have become but has presented me with  a goal that will help me live a comfortable and successful life while helping my community.
I am the only one in my family who decided to pursue a goal and follow it before ending high school.  I knew what I wanted to do, so I took advantage of school and community service opportunities to start clubs; that way, I’d have the chance to plan events and fundraisers. I chose to find ways to event plan daily because I didn’t want to be like my family members who live paycheck to paycheck because they always said that they will eventually return to pursuing their dreams but never did.
With an education I plan to start a non-profit teen-run event planning business for the teenagers in my community. All of the profit would go toward scholarship funds named by the teenagers in the business. I want adolescents in my community that aren’t given the chance with their schools to be able to intern with the business and help the areas in which they live in around Boston such as Dorchester, Roxbury, South Boston, Mattapan, and more. They could even learn to plan events for their school so they are able to write about it in their college essays.  
People always ask me if I want to be successful. The truth is, people usually describe success as making money and having flashy possessions. Because of the environment in which I’ve grown up, my goal isn’t to be successful based on what society defines it as but rather successful based on what I want my society to become. If I can make an impact by changing my community for the better, then I will be successful.